Careers Blog | Careers at Hirsh Precision

Meet our 2022 Summer Interns

Written by Hirsh Precision | Jun 20, 2024 2:00:05 PM

We kicked off our 2022 Summer Internship Program just a few weeks ago, and our 11 energetic interns are already settling in at Hirsh Precision and have quickly become an integral part of our team.

Our interns are spread across 3 main teams this summer – production, robotics, and communications; let’s focus up on production, though.

The students and recent graduates serving on our production team come from a variety of schools, backgrounds, experience levels, and interests. From Erie High School to the Colorado School of Mines, these production interns brought with them great attitudes and an eagerness to learn. In return, they’ll benefit from career development opportunities, such as:

  • Gaining practical, hands-on experience
  • Learning from industry experts with decades of knowledge
  • Contributing to a fast-growing advanced manufacturer for aerospace, medical, industrial and energy sectors

For many of our interns who are interested in engineering, design, creative problem-solving, and making the world a better place, they couldn’t be in a better place.  

Our 2022 Production Interns

Logan currently attend Erie High School and participates in the Career Elevation and Technology Center’s (CETC) Advanced Manufacturing Academy program. After meeting some of the Hirsh team members at CETC’s annual career fair, and doing his own research to learn more about the company, he knew that Hirsh was the place for him this summer and hopes to return in the future to work as a full-time team member on our production team. 


Tanner is a Mechanical Engineering student at the Colorado School of Mines, where he’s also taking summer classes. Hirsh Precision maintains a close relationship with the School of Mines, which is how Tanner came across our company. Tanner appreciates the working environment at Hirsh Precision; it allows him to learn from many experienced machinists and benefit from their years of experience.

“I really enjoy coming to work every day to run parts and learn from Khaled – one of our most experienced machinists at Hirsh,” said Tanner.   


Haley is a newly graduated mechanical engineer from the University of Colorado at Boulder, through which she found Hirsh Precision. When Haley comes to work, she most looks forward to being immersed in Hirsh’s friendly working environment.

“My favorite part of work is honestly the people and the work environment. Usually, machine shops are notorious for being dark and lonely working environments, but at Hirsh, everyone is so friendly, the company culture is great, and the working spaces are clean and bright, which can be hard to find in the manufacturing industry,” said Haley. 


Ethan is a Colorado School of Mines student currently working on his degree in Mechanical Engineering. Ethan came to Hirsh Precision with the goal of gaining hands-on experience with machining and prototyping. Working in a real-world manufacturing environment is Ethan’s favorite aspect of working at Hirsh, and he hopes to pursue a career in product design manufacturing. 


Justin is currently studying Mechanical Engineering at CU Boulder. Seeing the production internship opportunity as a great starting point to launch his career, Justin is very excited to gain quality experience in the manufacturing industry this summer. Justin first encountered Hirsh last year when he attended the company’s facility tour and Q&A panel, hosted by several machinists and engineers. Justin’s favorite part about working at Hirsh is learning how machines operate and making parts on his own. Justin hopes to work with CAD software and design in the future.


Sam is also attending CU Boulder’s Mechanical Engineering program, where she was guided by her department's career advisor to apply to Hirsh Precision. She’s learning hands-on skills like manual inspection and getting to operate the latest in machining technology. Sam hopes to find work in the aerospace field once she graduates.


The Long-Lasting Impacts of our Summer Internship Program 

When you consider the short-term benefits of our internship program, there’s no doubt that our group of production interns – with fresh eyes, strong work ethics, and engaging questions – aid in our team’s efforts when it comes to improving our production rates and helping us meet our customer commitments. However, there are long-lasting benefits for both Hirsh Precision and our interns that deserve mention.

The students and young professionals who join the Hirsh team are almost always mechanically inclined, often come from engineering and machining programs, and have a passion for bringing ideas to life. For these younger generations, having the opportunity to learn on cutting-edge machining technology, working with machining automation, and apprentice with our expert engineers and machinists sets them up for success when it comes to reaching their career goals.

It’s not just interns who benefit from our summer internship program, though. At Hirsh Precision, we – like many other manufacturers – are looking to solve the labor shortage problem that’s being felt nation-wide. Between competing for talent and attempting to recast misconceptions around modern manufacturing, manufacturing companies have their work cut out for them when it comes to recruitment and building effective talent pipelines.

With over 4 million manufacturing jobs needing to be filled by 2030, investing time and energy into the future workforce is essential. Building relationships with schools, collaborating technical skills programs, and being a resource for high school and college students must be a priority. Our 2022 summer internship program is just one of the many ways we continue to build relationships with the schools, programs, and students in our community. As Hirsh grows, our investment in these areas will be critical to reaching our own growth goals; in turn we hope to be a resource for students looking to reach their own career goals.